If you are ready to pass your test this time, call me
About 40% of people pass their driving test 1st time and it is widely believed you failed because of one of two main issues. Most people fail their driving test because of a combination of two things; lack of confidence, or lack of preparation. If you did not feel confident driving when you went for your Test, then you probably have not completed enough preparation. I am here to make sure you are fully prepared, and this allows you to have confidence in yourself and your driving. When we first meet we will go through your Test result to try to find out which part went wrong, so please bring your Test Report Form with you when we first meet. From now on we will work as a team, making sure your preparation is complete, your confidence is good, as is your driving. This way we will Pass your Test! We will check everything you do, to see if we can adapt it to make better than before. When you are confident with your new skills, and can prove that to yourself, by having a successful "Mock" test, then we will know that you are prepared for the test, and you will have the confidence, based on the experiences you have had. Need to Pass your Test this time?
What To Do
Pick up the phone, and we can discuss what you need to pass your driving test. |