The Controlled Stop
"I would like you to make Normal progress along this road, and when I give you the signal to stop, I want you to stop the car as quickly and safely as you can. Please wait for the signal. If it becomes unsafe to do the exercise, I will give you further instructions."
Move off safely and make NORMAL progress along the road If the road is busy, drive accordingly, if it's clear, drive accordingly. MSPSL When you are given the signal.... Immediately grip the wheel with both hands, keep the front wheels pointing down the road immediately come off the gas pedal, find the brake pedal, and squeeze firmly, smoothly applying as much pressure as you dare STOP THE CAR ! Feet still, down on the pedals. Then into PARK, and breathe, twice! Put the handbrake on if you have a manual one Before you move off.. Calm down, Choose Drive with the gear selector. You are probably/ hopefully stationary in the normal driving position in your lane.. YOU MUST check BOTH BLINDSPOTS before you move the car! there maybe a cyclist coming alongside to your left, or your right If you are sure it's safe, the drive on smoothly. Don't forget... it may happen for real just by the next group of parked cars, or round the next corner. The priority is to STOP THE CAR. |