The aim is to allow people to park outside a shop, in order to pick up something they have just bought.
It is thought that severe parking restrictions is one of the reasons for the decline in the fortunes of the High street shops and businesses.
However, the Highway Code states:
1. Waiting and parking (238)
You MUST NOT wait or park on yellow lines during the times of operation shown on nearby time plates (or zone entry signs if in a Controlled Parking Zone) – download ‘Traffic signs’ (PDF, 486KB)and ‘Road markings’ (PDF, 731KB). Double yellow lines indicate a prohibition of waiting at any time even if there are no upright signs. YouMUST NOT wait or park, or stop to set down and pick up passengers, on school entrance markings (download ‘Road markings’ (PDF, 731KB)) when upright signs indicate a prohibition of stopping.
Law RTRA sects 5 & 8
Lets all hope that our local Town or Borough Councils will see the advantages of allowing this parking, but also ensure that the streets do not become too congested and dangerous for pedestrians to cross the roads safely!